BC BL/BLT Lab Processing Screw
Product ID Description164010Lab Processing Screw, for Multi Abutments, L 20mm164020Lab Processi..
BC BL/BLT Analog for Implant Level L12mm
Product IDDescription161010NC Bone level Implant Analog, L 12 mm162010RC Bone level Implant Analog, ..
BC BL/BLT Analog for Multi abutment, angle 17°/30°, Φ4.6mm
Product ID Description162760Analog for Multi abutment, angle 17°/30°, Φ4.6mm..
BC BL/BLT Analog for Multi Straight Abutment
Product IDDescription161750Analog for Multi abutment, straight 0°, Φ3.5mm162750Analog for Multi abut..
BC BL/BLT Basal Screws
Product ID Description161520NC Basal Screw, L 7.9mm161540NC Basal Screw, for Cem. abutment only..
BC BL/BLT Cover Screws
Product IDDescription121010NC Closure screw, H 0mm121020NC Closure screw, H 0.5mm122010RC Closure sc..
BC BL/BLT Impression Post for Implant Level
Product ID Description161090NC Impression Post Closed Tray, with guide screw and cap, L 12.3mm1..
BC BL/BLT Impression Post for Multi Abutment
Product ID Description161710Impression post for open tray, for Multi abutment, abutment level,Φ..
BC BL/BLT Occlusal screw, for coping, screw-retained abutment
Product ID Description141010Occlusal screw, for coping, screw-retained abutment..
BC BL/BLT Polishing Protector
Product ID Description157090Polishing Protector, for Multi Abutments Φ3.5mm157100Polishin..
BC BL/BLT Protective Cap
Product ID Description123010Protective cap for Screw-Retained abutment, Φ3.5mm, H5mm 12302..
BC TL NN Impression Cap for Closed Tray,snap-on, L 12mm
Product IDDescription061020NN Impression cap, snap-on, L 12mm..
BC TL NN Impression Cap for Open Tray ,L 17.5mm
Product IDDescription061010NN Impression cap with integral guide screw, L 17.5mm..
BC TL Plastic Coping for Angled Abutment
Product ID Description090070Extension shell for RN Octagon 15° and 20° angled abutments, ..
BC TL Plastic Coping for screw-retained Abutment ,H 10 mm
Product IDDescription090030RN Octagon plastic coping for RN Octagon1.5, bridge/bar, H 10 mm, burn-ou..
BC TL Plastic Coping for Solid Abutment
Product IDDescription090010RN Plastic coping for RN Solid abutments, bridge, H 10 mm, burn-out plast..
BC TL Plastic Coping for Straight Abutment
Product IDDescription090050RN Octagon plastic coping for 032070, bridge, H 7 mm, burn-out plastic090..
BC TL RN Implant Analog ,L 12mm
Product IDDescription062090RN Implant Analog for RN Octagon, L 12mm, grey with red stripe..